S.H.I.N.E Program

Parker Performing Arts School Student Code of Conduct
As a PPA student, I will SHINE in all I do. I will demonstrate strength, humility, integrity, nobility, and empathy in all my conduct and speech so that our community shines as performers and people.
Students at Parker Performing Arts School are expected to abide by the characteristics of S.H.I.N.E.
Students are expected to exhibit:
Strength is defined as having moral power, firmness or courage. Strength is shown by standing up for your values
and for others. Having the strength to walk away or step in--whatever is needed.
and for others. Having the strength to walk away or step in--whatever is needed.
Humility is defined as the condition of having a modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance.
Integrity is defined as doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
Nobility is defined as the action behind character. It means you are walking the walk and not just talking the talk.
Empathy is defined as putting yourself in someone else’s shoes in order to understand his or her point of view.
What is SHINE?
SHINE is an acronym that we use for our school wide PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) system.
Hopefully your child has mentioned SHINE in some way or another at home. Maybe they told you they received a SHINE buck, a SHINE certificate, they may have been able to go to the office and pick out of the treasure box for shining. For middle schoolers, they might be saving their SHINE bucks to use at the school store. Those are all ways that staff in the building promote positive behaviors in the classroom, hallways, recess, lunchroom, theatre, and cafeteria.
What does it look like to SHINE?
That is a question we would like for you to ask your child. A few examples would be, helping a friend in need, being an active participant in learning, owning up to behaviors, meeting and exceeding teacher expectations. The list goes on, so ask your child what does it mean to shine and use those attributes in all parts of their lives. We would like for you to talk to your child today about what SHINE means to them and celebrate them when they get a SHINE buck or certificate!
A part of the reward system for elementary is an elementary wide assembly where students are nominated by teachers for showing extraordinary SHINE behaviors. The middle school has a school store once a week where they can spend their SHINE bucks for items at the store.