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Student Birthday Guidelines


PPA Guidelines Student Birthdays 

Food/Balloons/Allergies at PPA




  • Birthday Parties: Students may not bring a treat or balloons to be handed out to classes on a birthday. Birthday invitations must not be passed out during the school day or at school. Please use the school directory in order to share your invitations. Holiday gifts and birthday gifts may not be handed out at school, unless they are part of an organized, teacher-endorsed school activity.

We are sharing this information with families to help explain the policy and reasoning behind it. We have students with so many different kinds of allergies - allergies that are LIFE-THREATENING - and we must do our part in keeping students safe.

Class Parties:

Food should not be the focus of a class party. Games, activities, laughter, fun with friends - THAT needs to be the focus. When food is brought into the school for a party, please be mindful of the restrictions. Fruits, veggies, meats and cheeses: students can look and see if they are able to eat these items. Students do not need to guess at how the food was prepared. They do not have to worry about dyes, dairy, wheat, soy, nuts, etc.


We have students with latex allergies. 




PCA Marquee Birthday Wishes
Birthday Sign
The Parker Performing Arts Parent Community Association is very excited to offer a fun way to celebrate your student’s birthday!
For only $10.00, you can wish your student a “Happy Birthday” on our electronic marquee!
This is an ongoing effort and will be available all school year long. Each message will be displayed for one day. There will be a limit to 12 students who can be celebrated on any said day. We will fulfill on a first come, first served basis, so please plan ahead!
It is important that you look closely at the date you are wanting – it could fall on a weekend, a break, or a non-contact day. Please feel free to choose a date that is nearest to your day to fulfill the birthday wishes message. If your student has a birthday in June, July, or very early August before we return to classes, consider celebrating a “half” birthday!
Due to processing time and time needed to input names into the system, we will require you to sign up 10 or more school session days PRIOR to the desired day of celebration for their Birthday message. Please plan ahead and submit prior to this 10 day lead time requirement, to assure your child will get their Birthday message on their desired day. Non-session school days are not considered part of the 10 day lead time needed. Look at your calendar, the school calendar, and get your student’s birthday up in lights!
Better yet – you can reserve your spot right now! Click the link below to purchase. You will be connected to the sign up and payment page at that time. Remember to add your child’s birthday (or the date you want their name on the sign) when filling out the form/payment. Happy Birthday! We look forward to celebrating all our Birthday students throughout the year!