Miscellaneous » Summer Learning Resources 2020 » Elementary Students 1st-4th Grade

Elementary Students 1st-4th Grade

Following COVID remote learning, continued academic engagement during the summer months has become even more critical.  Below are grade level and content specific learning activities and resources for PPA students.
I-Ready Math and Reading
I-Ready Math and Reading lessons will be available on any computer through July 31st.
Attached is a resource guide to show your child the steps he or she will take to complete a lesson in i-Ready.
Click on the link below to access a variety of resources for summer learning.

Performing Arts:

Over the summer, students should continue practicing their instruments and pursuing their passions….. as best they can.  Unfortunately, all PPA summer performing arts camps have been canceled. 


Find a Summer Tutor

Want to improve your student’s skills over the summer?

Please click HERE to access PPA teachers who offer summer tutoring  

*Parker Performing Arts is not responsible for or involved in these private tutoring arrangements in any way

Click on the link below to access a variety of resources for summer learning.

Performing Arts:

Over the summer, students should continue practicing their instruments and pursuing their passions….. as best they can.  Unfortunately, all PPA summer performing arts camps have been canceled. 


Find a Summer Tutor

Want to improve your student’s skills over the summer?

Please click HERE to access PPA teachers who offer summer tutoring  

*Parker Performing Arts is not responsible for or involved in these private tutoring arrangements in any way

Click on the link below to access a variety of resources for summer learning.

Performing Arts:

Over the summer, students should continue practicing their instruments and pursuing their passions….. as best they can.  Unfortunately, all PPA summer performing arts camps have been canceled. 


Find a Summer Tutor

Want to improve your student’s skills over the summer?

Please click HERE to access PPA teachers who offer summer tutoring  

*Parker Performing Arts is not responsible for or involved in these private tutoring arrangements in any way